Welcome to IntelMQ Webinput CSV documentation!

A web interface for interactively inserting one-off CSV data to IntelMQ and n6.

It is implemented in Python with hug in the backend and Javascript with bootstrap-vue in the frontend. This is a rewrite of the original Flask-based web interface by CERT.at.

The code is available at Intevation/intelmq-webinput-csv



CSV Data Input

CSV data insertion and parsing options

Data Validation

Assign data columns to IntelMQ fields and validate the data:

field assignment and data validation

Data Row preview

Preview the resulting parsed data per row including the complete IntelMQ processing log:


Preview the resulting IntelMQ Mailgen notification


Mailgen Templates management

View and modify all IntelMQ Mailgen templates including live validation:



This software is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.