With CERT.pl’s n6

intelmq-webiput-csv can be used to feed data into n6 by pushing the data directly to the intelmq2n6 queue

intelmq-webinput-csv n6 integration graph

intelmq-webinput-csv n6 integration graph


First, setup the connection to the destination, including the correct exchange. For example:

"intelmq": {
    "destination_pipeline_broker": "amqp",
    "destination_pipeline_amqp_exchange": "integration",
    "destination_pipeline_host": "localhost",
    "destination_pipeline_username": "integration",
    "destination_pipeline_password": "integration",
    "destination_pipeline_port": 5671

We also need to configure the routing key of the data to match “manual.”. We can do that by formatting the destination queue, which corresponds to the routing key for exchanges and setting the first part to a fixed value while offering the second part to the user:

"destination_pipeline_queue": "{ev[feed.provider]}.{ev[feed.name]}",
"destination_pipeline_queue_formatted": true,
"constant_fields": {
    "feed.provider": "manual"
"custom_input_fields": {
    "feed.name": "whateveryouwant"